Sunday morning 9/15/2024
Rev. J.R. Virgin
will present the First of a 6 part Series
‘Who We Are’
with the Sermon
” We Are Built on the Rock”
Two Services @ 8:45, 11, & 11:15 am (Beginning October 6, 2024)
in the Sanctuary & Berly Hall
The services will be live streamed via the church’s YouTube channel.
The link to our YouTube channel is:
You can only see the livestream from YouTube
To watch our livestream, go to this page in advance of the scheduled start time. Once watching the video, you can subscribe and also select to be notified of new videos.
Additionally, in the YouTube application you can search St. Paul’s Waccamaw Methodist Church and see any videos that exist if you miss the original livestreams.
The recorded services will be available on our Sermons webpage later each Sunday and will be shared with the church Facebook friends later as well.
You can reach the church’s YouTube and Facebook pages from the Church’s website
In the banner across the top of the website main page and most of the other pages, you can click on the “play” (triangle pointing right) icon that is right of the Facebook icon to go to our YouTube site. You can also click on section on main page that says –
“Join us for livestreaming services online”
Click the ” f” Facebook icon in the banner to reach our Facebook page.
September 15, 2024 Traditional & Contemporary Bulletin
Sermon Recordings
Normally, each Sunday, St. Paul’s Waccamaw Methodist Church offers two worship services
Please join us for our service
A Traditional Worship Service in the Sanctuary begins at 8:45 a.m. including Methodist liturgy and hymns with a full Chancel Choir. This service is our more formal worship time.
Worship, in the Christian faith, is the act of attributing reverent honor and homage to God. In the New Testament, various words are used to refer to the term worship. One is “proskuneo” which means to bow down to God. Worship is bowing down the Lord of the universe and celebrating God’s gift of grace.
You will find a deep reverence here at Saint Paul’s Waccamaw Methodist Church. The music is abundant and deeply theological. It will encompass compositions from the great hymn writers the centuries like Carl Gustav (How Great Thou Art), John Newton (Amazing Grace), many others, and choices from thousands of those beautiful hymns written by Charles Wesley along with some more recent songs periodically. This is a church of music, and the choir and choir director celebrate God’s grace and seek to inspire the soul.
The Bible tells us that Jesus was and is the “Word of God.” So, in the Christian Church, the spoken word is central to the worship experience. The sermons are Biblically based and follow the common lectionary readings. Modern illustrations are used to expand the text. Throughout most of Christianity’s history, corporate Christian worship has been liturgical (three-year cycle of Scripture readings), characterized by prayers and hymns, with texts rooted in, or closely related to, the Scripture, particularly the Psalter.
Come and celebrate the grace of God in with prayer, the spoken proclamation of grace and forgiveness, and song. Enter to give yourself to God. Depart to give yourself to the world for God.
11:00 A.M. Modern Service
Enter the relaxed atmosphere of Berly Hall for the 11:00 am service for a joyful message with uplifting music and fellowship.
The more casual atmosphere includes dressing as if you live in or are visiting the beach area plus coffee and donuts holes,
available seating around tables or in rows, and relaxed interaction.
On the first Sunday of each month, Holy Communion (Eucharist) is celebrated. The table at Saint Paul’s is viewed as Christ’s table. Both Protestant and Catholic and those of other denominations are invited. Sometimes intinction is used, and we process forward to receive the bread and wine. You may kneel at the altar following being served. On other occasions, we kneel at the altar; the heavenly host is passed along the alar rail by assistants. We are sure you will find both a spiritual event.
Sunday School Classes for adults include new Truth Seekers, the Friendship
class and the Joy class meet each Sunday morning at 10 am
NEW Sunday School Class Starting
On September 8th we are kicking off a new Sunday School class called The Truth Seekers. The class will meet in the Discovery Classroom. The class is Intended for people that are seeking God’s truth in a world determined to twist it. For more information contact Eric Weber by email: [email protected]
Friendship Sunday School
The Friendship Class is meeting now in the Youth Building, (Close to the Administration Building.)
The Friendship Class has grown substantially over the last few months. From a
class membership size of ten (10) in 2023 we now havesixty- eight (68) signed-up
members as of July 7, 2024. We average 45 in normal attendance.
The class meets each Sunday in the Youth building from 10:00 -10:45.
The objective of the class is to study Scripture selected by its members. Currently
we are studying the Gospel of John. However, there is a sign-up sheet where
members can volunteer to lead the class in other subjects, such as, Bible related, i.e., books, chapters, verses, characters, incidents, and so forth;
archaeology; history; missions; comparative world religions; church; evolution; universe; technology; world Events; other Christian
denominations; and so forth. Political philosophies and elections are not permitted. When there is not a volunteer leading the class, we study
Examples of volunteer subjects so far have been the minor prophets, suffering (Job), slides of trip to Israel, Cleopatra, my dogs, means of grace,
good grief, and Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Life.
Anyone is welcome to join the class or just attend as convenient. We look forward to having you with us!
JOY Sunday School Class
Join the JOY class for an exciting study of Acts which covers the early church in the first 30 years after Jesus’ resurrection and ascension.
Discover the indisputable fact about Jesus’ resurrection and presence of the Holy Spirit.
Read about supernatural intervention, miracles, powerful preaching, breathtaking escapes, harrowing journeys, thrilling rescues, mystery and adventure.
Find encouragement in the lives of the men and women who changed the world.
Acts describes the spread of Christianity among the Jews, and to the Gentiles in the rest of the world. There is enormous application and importance for us today. We are God’s people; chosen to be part of His plan to reach the local community and the world. This study will help us be faithful witnesses in the way we live and provide encouragement in times of struggles.
We’d love to have you join us
Please join the JOY class as we being this exciting, wonderful study.