Sunday Worship Services
This Sunday, St. Paul's Waccamaw Methodist Church offers three in person worship services @ 8:45 am, 11 am & 11:15 am, in the Sanctuary and Berly Hall. Please join us for our services:
Normally a Traditional Worship Service begins in the Sanctuary at 8:45 a.m and 11:15 am including Methodist liturgy and hymns with a full Chancel Choir. This service is our more formal worship time.
The Modern Worship Service includes a joyful message with uplifting music and fellowship at 11:00 am in Berly Hall. This service features a more relaxed atmosphere.
Guests and visitors are always welcome.
Sunday School Classes for adults at 10:00 am every Sunday in the Christian Life Center.
Communion is usually offered on the First Sunday of each month. Our table is open to all.