Stewardship meets the Christian purpose of being a distribution center for the Kingdom of God. God is the owner – we the stewards are the managers. Time, Talents and funds.
Pay God his tithe first – God owns it all and what you tithe or pledge for the year goes to Him for the church to hopefully accomplish -supported by congregational prayer and through church leadership and committees – what God wants for the world. What you tithe is a personal choice based on your relationship with God in your journey and between God and you.
In contrast Offerings are designated funds, love offerings, or other targeted purposes for your giving. Both are important in the life of the church.
Each year you submit a pledge card to document your tithe for the year. This is the first step in the budgeting process and the desire is to define the amount and cadence you want to meet your pledge. Weekly, Semi- monthly, monthly, or yearly. As well as the Annual total.
As you’ll hear and see multiple times this year, e-Giving is a beneficial way of providing your payments in lieu of checks or drafts. It does not replace the pledge card. It is a delivery method – the pledge card is your promise to God.
Ray Wells – Stewardship Committee Chairperson
Consecration Sunday Stewardship Update
Consecration Sunday at St. Paul’s will be held on September 29, 2024. St. Paul’s will have two services on that day; 8:45 A.M. and 11:00 A.M.. Following the 11:00 A.M. service a reception will follow with refreshments in the Youth Building.
Each church member will receive a 2025 Pledge Card in mid September. You can also get a replacement Pledge Card from the Church by clicking on the above link for “Single Pledge Card 2025” or request one from the Church Office.
There are three ways to return your filled-out pledge card. 1) by mailing it to the church, 2) a metal lock box has been installed outside the north Church Office entrance for you to place your pledge card if you do not want to use the mail to return to the church, and 3) you can scan an e-mail your pledge card to [email protected]. Let us know if you need assistance with this process or if you need
someone to pick up your pledge card if you do not wish to use any of these options.
To assist with the Budgeting process, please return your Pledge Card as early as convenient for you, no later than Consecration Sunday if possible.
Thank you for all you do for our church. Please let us know if you have any questions.
The Stewardship Committee.
e-giving helps St. Paul’s Waccamaw and provides convenience to members of the congregation.
e-giving provides predictable donations to the church when donors establish recurring giving plans (monthly, weekly, etc.). Donations occur even if you are unable to attend a service while traveling or ill.
e-giving reduces the number of checks and cash that have to be manually counted after each service. This reduces the time needed by counting teams on Sunday and provides for greater security of donations (less money handling).
e-giving is secure and offers automatic deductions from your checking or savings account, or payment via a credit card.
e-giving accounts are easy to maintain and change – you control when, how much and to what to donate to (pledge, non-pledge or designated funds).
Please be a part of the group that will allow us to double our e-giving contributors. You can start by going to our home page on the internet and clicking the e-giving box (