“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
Matthew 5:16 (NIV)
St. Paul’s Waccamaw is looking for volunteers to help with the various ministries on campus. Please feel free to contact the office with questions and or your willingness to serve!
Tuesday, March 11th Garden Volunteers Needed
Tuesday Garden Volunteers Need:
Any working tools listed below would be greatly appreciated
Shovels/Trowels/Spades – handheld or short handle Gardening gloves – Super grip/Nitrile (all sizes) Kneeling pads
Leaf Litter collapsible reusable tip bags
Adjustable metal rakes
Leaf blower – gas or electric (if cordless need chargers) Pole pruner – gas or electric (if cordless need chargers) Heavy Duty extension cords
3-5 gal buckets – fertilizer mixing
Watering Cans – plastic
Wagons/Utility Cart (4 wheels)
Hoses and Sprayer nozzles
Small Potting bench
Contact Angela Bass [email protected] with questions or to schedule drop off.
Trustees Grounds Sub Committee Needs Your Help!
The Trustee Grounds sub-committee will be gearing up for Spring activities soon. They are proposing volunteer activity starting every Tuesday morning beginning March 18 at 9:30 am – 11:30 am and continuing forward.
We will be working all across the site and will recommend areas of particular need and interest. The same for the Prayer Garden area as well.
If you enjoy gardening or dressing up your yard, volunteer to assist with doing the same for GOD’s grounds as well. Everyone is invited to participate and enjoy fellowship. Bring your gloves and pruners!
Trustee contact – Angela Bass [email protected]
Technology Assistance & Installing Securities Cameras Help
The Trustees’ Safety and Security sub-committee is in the process of implementation of a Security cameras and card access system project. We are looking for volunteers to assist with the installation/mounting of cameras to cover the parking lot, primary entrances to all buildings and the children’s classrooms, as well as the card access equipment for the main access doors of each building.
If you have experience or skills with these technologies, wiring, or cabling you are needed to assist in this effort. Also needed are folks to assist with the implementation process.
To learn more or volunteer, please contact Eric Weber ([email protected]) or Charles Estabrook ([email protected])
Ushers Are Needed!
We are looking for 2 ushers for the 11:15 services – March, June, September & December. Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested or have any questions.
Thank you, Lynwood
Audio Board Help Is Needed
We are looking for volunteers to help with the live streaming part of our Sunday Services. In particular, we are looking for help in running our audio board. If you have any interest or would like more information where you can help with this ministry, please contact the church office or David Streeter at [email protected]
The Church Golf Tournament
Wednesday, June 11, at Wachesaw East Golf Course, with a rain date of Wednesday, June 18. Volunteers are needed for all committees. Contact Bill Alexander or Gene Posey for more information.
Calling All Bakers!
I am seeking people who could volunteer on a rotating basis to bake goodies for the fellowship hour after the 8:45 service. These would also be served at/before the 11:00 service. Things like cookies, muffins, fruit breads, cakes cupcakes, etc. We have more people coming now as we need more food. If interested, please contact Carol Streeter at [email protected].
Greeter's Are Needed For All Church Services
If you are interested in becoming a Greeter, please see Alisa Chapella or fill out the form below
Help Wanted
We are looking for help in the following areas. Please fill out the form below:
11:15 Traditional Service – Ushers, Running Slide Show & Sound
11:00 Modern Service – Kitchen Cleanup (at the conclusion of service), Running Steam
8:45 Traditional Service – Running Stream, Running Slide Show & Sound
Communion Servers Needed
Communion Servers are needed at the 8:45 a.m. service. If you are able to serve, please fill out the form below.
Live Streaming Help
We are looking for people interested in learning to operate our livestreaming and presentaVon sonware for the worship services at St. Paul’s Waccamaw. If you are interested, please contact the church office.
11:15 am Traditional Worship Service Volunteers Needed
Beginning October 6, 2024, volunteers will be needed to help in the following areas:
Technology-Video Presentation
LiveStreaming & Video Presentation Help Needed
We are looking for volunteers interested in learning to operate our livestreaming for the 8:45 am and 11:00 am services and presentation software volunteers for all worship services.
Nursery Volunteers
Join us in this important ministry of nurturing our beautiful infants and toddlers! Volunteers are needed to assist Pam Carson each week during the 10am Sunday School hour or the 11am worship service. With a commitment of only 1-2 hours er quarter, you will help provide a special worship experience for our young families. Contact Valerie Alexander or fill out the form below.
Please complete the below form and comment on what area(s) you would like to serve!